Prayer Guild
To enter the Prayer guild, you need 31
The Prayer Guild is located west of
Barbarian Village, near the Entrance to the Wilderness.
First Floor
The First Floor is accessable to anyone, because it's actually only a Monastery. There are 4 fountains for water if needed, an altar and the ladder to the second floor. Several level 5 monks reside here as well.
Second Floor
Now we enter the Prayer Guild. There is the *Kharid Scorpion and top and bottom part of the Monk's Robe. Like on the first floor there are severel level 5 monks too.
And the special thing, there's an altar that recharges your prayer points +2. Like, I have 0/50 Prayer, I go to the altar and I have 52/50 Prayer then.
*The Kharid Scorpion is a member's only monster. It is needed for the Scorpion Catcher Quest.
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