The Flying Kirby Pub

Prayer Skill Guide

Welcome to the FKP's Prayer Guide. Below you will find useful information and techniques to making the most out of the prayer skill.
First let me introduce to you about what Prayer is. Prayer is an extremely useful skill! The most usefull skills, in my opinion are the Protect Skills. (Items, Range, Magic, Melee) Theese skills allow you to keep one extra item when you die, protect yourself from ranged attacks, protect yourself from magic attacks and last to protect yourself from melee attacks. None of the last three are 100% effective against players. To go along with prayer, you have a drain rate. The drain rate is an mathmatical equation that depends on your prayer level, the prayer being used, and the equiptment you are wearing. There are certain robes and symbols and weapons that give "prayer bonuses," buy you will see a table of those later on. Also just to let you know, that all highlighted rows in the tables are members only.


PrayerLevel RequiredEffects
Thick Skin1Temporarily increases your defence by 5%
Burst of Strength2Temporarily increases your strength by 5%
Clarity of Thought7Temporarily increases your attack by 5%
Rock Skin10Temporarily increases your defence by 10%
Superhuman Strength13Temporarily increases your stregnth by 10%
Improved Reflexes16Temporarily increases your attack by 10%
Rapid Restore19Restores all stats except for hits and prayer twice as fast.
Rapid Heal22Restores hits twice as fast.
Protect Items25Allows you to keep one extra item when you die
Steel Skin28Temporarily increases your defence by 15%
Ultimate Strength31Temporarily increases your strength by 15%
Incredible Reflexes34Temporarily increases your attack by 15%
Protect From Magic37Protects you from Magical Attacks
Protect From Missiles40Protects you from Ranged Attacks
Protect From Melee43Protects you from Close Combat Attacks

Experience Table

BonesMost NPC's4-5
Bat BonesGiant Bats5-33
Big BonesOgres,Jogres,all giatns15
Baby Blue Dragon BonesBaby Blue Dragons30
Dragon BonesAll Dragons72

Prayer Equipment and Bonuses

NameClassPrayer BonusObtain By
Priest RobeChest+3Varrock Clothes Shop
Priest Robe Bottomlegs+3Varrock Clothes Shop
Robe of ZamarokChest+3Underground Pass
Robe of Zamarok BottomLegs+3Underground Pass
Black RobeLegs+4Dropped by Shades
Druid RobeChest+4Druids in Taverly
Druid Robe BottomLegs+4Druids in Taverly
Monk RobeChest+6Prayer Guild
Monk Robe BottomLegs+5Prayer Guild
Bronze MaceWeapon+1Mace Shop in Falador
Iron MaceWeapon+1Mace Shop in Falador
Steel MaceWeapon+2Mace Shop in Falador
Mithril MaceWeapon+3Mace Shop in Falador
Addy MaceWeapon+3Mace Shop in Falado
Rune MaceWeapon+4Champions Guild
Dragon MaceWeapon+5Hero's Guild
Amulet of GloryAmulet+380 Crafting, Street
Blessed Holy SymbolAmulet+8Al Kahrid Crafting store for mould. Prayer Guild to bless it.
Unholy Symbol of ZamarokAmulet+8Observatory Quest.

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