The Flying Kirby Pub

Crafting Guild


To enter the crafting guild, you need 40 crafting and a brown apron. A white apron will not work. If you do not have a brown apron, you can obtain one in Varrock's clothing store.


The crafting guild is located north of Rimmington and southwest of Falador.

First Floor

On the first floor, the crafting guild has many items to assist you with crafting. There is a pottery oven and 4 spinning wheels located near the enterance. On the tables, there are free respawns of a hammer, a chisel, an amulet mould, and 2 jug respawns. There is also a sink present.

The mining area includes 5 clay rocks, 7 gold rocks, and 6 silver rocks.

Second Floor

The second floor has 2 spinning wheels. There are respawns of a set of shears, a holy symbol mould, and a necklace mould. There is a tanner who can tan leather and dragonhide for you.
You may also be interested to notice that there is an area of cows near the guild. There is also a handful of sheep near the member's gate.

There is an amulet shop in Falador, as well.

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